• White shapeless powder; odorless; relative density: 3.18; hardly soluble in water but easily soluble in diluted Hydrochloric Acid and Nitric Acid; stable in air.In food industry, it is used as anti-caking agent, nutritional supplement (calcium intensifier), PH regulator and buffer, e.g. to act as anti-caking agent in flour, additives in milk powder, candy, pudding, condiment, and meat;...

  • SHMP Uses For industrial use, such as oil field, paper-making, textile, dyeing, petrochemical industry, tanning industry, metallurgical industry and building material industry, it is mainly used as a water softening agent in solution for printing, dyeing, and boiler; Diffusant in papermaking; slow corrodent, floating agent, dispersing medium, high temperature agglomerant, detergent and s...

  • Tetra Sodium pyrophosphate is used in the food industry as an emulsifying agent, nutrient and texturing agent in applications including: processed cheese, seafood products, hamburgers and meat. In food industry it is used as buffering agent, emulsifier, nutrition ingredients and quality improver.

  • The uses of stpp include using it as a preservative. Sodium Tripolyphosphate STPP can be used to preserve foods such as red meats, poultry, and seafood, helping them to retain their tenderness and moisture. Pet food and animal feed have been known to be treated with Sodium tripolyphosphate stpp , serving the same general purpose as it does in human food.

  • SAPP can be used as yeast powder for baking food, controlling fermentation speed, and improving production intensity; Used for instant noodles, reducing the rehydration time of finished products, without sticking or rotting. Used for biscuits and pastries, shortening fermentation time, reducing product damage rate, loosening and organizing gaps, and extending storage life.

  • Technical grade Phosphoric Acid may be used to produce variety of Phosphates, electrolyte treatment liquids or chemical treatment liquids, refractory mortar with phosphoric acid and inorganic coheretant.Phosporic acid is also used as a catalyst, drying agent and cleaner. In coating industry phosphoric acid is used as a rust-proof coating for metals; As a acidity regulator and nutrition agent ...