• Maltitol is a disaccharide alcohol obtained from starch hydrolysis and hydrogenation refining. It is a white crystalline powder or colorless transparent neutral viscous liquid, easily soluble in water, slightly lower in sweetness than sucrose. Its sweetness is soft and delicious, with low calorie value, and has characteristics such as heat resistance, acid resistance, moisture retention, and ...

  • Xylitol is a sweetener, nutritional supplement and adjuvant therapy for diabetics: Xylitol is an intermediate in the metabolism of sugar in the body. In the absence of in the body, it affects the metabolism of sugar. It does not require , and xylitol can also Through the cell membrane, it is absorbed and utilized by the tissue to promote the synthesis of glycogen in the liver, for the nutrit...

  • The Sucralose is sweetener category with the majority of ingested is broken down by the body. In addition, the stable under heat and over a broad range of many conditions from all effective in baking products require with the use of baking products or products that require with life.

  • The food industry uses sodium saccharine as an additive in various products.

    Sodium saccharine is used as a non-nutritive sweetener and stabilizer in a variety of food and drinks.

    Bakeries use sodium saccharin to sweeten baked goods, breads, cookies and muffins.

    Artificially sweetened diet drinks and sodas use sodium saccharin since it dissolves readily in water.

  • Aspartame is a non-carbohydrate artificial sweetener, as an artificial sweetener, aspartame has a sweet taste, almost no calories and carbohydrates.

    Aspartame is 200 times as sweet sucrose, can be completely absorbed, without any harm, the body metabolism. aspartame safe, pure taste. currently, aspartame was approved for use in more than 100 countries, it has been widely used in bevera...

  • Acesulfame potassium also known as acesulfame K (K is the symbol for potassium) or Ace K, is a calorie-free sugar substitute (artificial sweetener) often marketed under the trade names Sunett and Sweet One. In the European Union, it is known under the E number (additive code) E950.

  • Sodium Cyclamate is a non-nutritive sweetener synthesis, which is 30 times the sweetness of sucrose, while only a third of the price of sugar, but it is not the amount of saccharin as a little more when there is a bitter taste, so as an international common food additive can be used for soft drinks, fruit juices, ice cream, cakes and preserves food, etc..

  • Fructose is widely used in beverages,carbonated drinks,fruit drinks,breads,cakes,tinned fruits,jams,succades,dairy foods etc.It has the properties of Colorless, odorless, good fluidity, easy to use in beverages and foods as a substitute for sucrose.

  • Sorbitol is a new kind of sweetener made from purified glucose as material via hydrogenation refining, concentrating. When it was absorbed by the human body, it spreads slowly and then oxidizes to fructose, and takes part in fructose metabolization. It doesn't affect blood sugar and uric sugar. Hence, it can be used as a sweetener for diabetics. With high-moisture-tantalizing, acid-resistance ...

  • Maltodextrin is an oligosaccharide that is derived from starch. Maltodextrin is commonly used as a food additive and in the production of candies and sodas.

  • Glucose syrup is a popular substitute for sugar. It is more commonly referred to as corn syrup because its main ingredient is usually cornstarch. From a strictly chemical perspective, it is any liquid starch consisting of carbohydrates. In addition to cornstarch, it can be made from any form of starch, including wheat, rice or potatoes.

    Because of its succe...

  • Dextrose Monohydrate is a kind of white hexagonal crystal which used starch as the raw materials. It is used as a sweetener.

    Dextrose of food grade is widely used in all kinds of foods and beverages replacing sucrose as sweeter and as the raw materials in pharmaceutical factory to produce Vitamin C and sorbitol,etc.

    Dextrose monohydrate is directly edible and can ...